Recent Articles - Page 26

A Day of Flavours at Kingscote Cookery School

Join Jo Banks at Kingscote Cookery School on the 6th October for 'A Day of Flavours' when you will learn how to cook a fuss-free menu that is perfect for the family - and posh enough to recreate for a dinner party menu.

Food Porn Awards Return for 2017

Following a hugely successful 2016 launch, the Food Porn Awards has returned in its search to find the North West's most tantalising dishes. Restaurants, bars, pubs and eateries will once again be encouraged to enter images of their best-looking food in order to win the coveted 2017 award.

Is Pet Dementia on the Rise?

Recent news has suggested that our pets are now leading such a sedentary life that we may actually be contributing to their early demise in cognitive function, along with our own.

Mug Bread with James Morton

Bread has to be the last thing on the list for us when it comes to recipes, and with GBBO on our screens again and it being Bread Week, I had to go in search of a simple recipe. And was I relieved to find James had this all under control.

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