
The Incredible Bakery Company

When it comes to free-from baking, we believe that the Incredible Bakery Company may just have found the perfect recipe for gluten-free bread. We are always on the hunt for good free-from products.

Guilt-free Organic Chocolate from Raw Halo

We absolutely love it when the postman brings us chocolate. I mean, real chocolate, on our doorstep, for us to try. So, super-excited to get not one, but four bars of Raw Halo to try.

Get Great Taste with Spice Drops® for Every Culinary Need

Every so often a product pops up on the radar - again and again - and we love to see emerging companies still growing a few years on from the first meet and greet. Well, Spice Drops® has certainly grown since we first met them a few years ago and when you see what their range covers, it is easy to see why.

Jimini's Crickets! Edible Insects

Last month Jo and I ventured up to the BBC Good Food Eat Well Show, in search of new and exciting products. We expected to find a lot of 'energy' balls, breakfast bars, dried fruit and free-from treats. What we didn't expect was to find, and try, a range of insect snacks, including crickets!

Grain-free Granola from the Paleo Food Company

The Paleo Diet has become hugely fashionable over the last few years and involves going back to basics; the simple version is along the lines of eating only meat, fish, vegetables and fruit - and excluding most dairy, cereal products and processed food from the diet. So what to eat when it comes to breakfast?

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