The Success of One Woman and her Shewee - 15 Years On

The Success of One Woman and her Shewee - 15 Years On

Samantha Fountain is no ordinary lady… not only is she a proud wife and a mum of two, she is also a successful British entrepreneur and the inventor and founder of the Shewee, the original and market leading female urination device.

Yes, we know it is taboo, but we all go to the loo - and by making it more convenient when we are out and about, Samantha has revolutionised the way we stand up to this problem.

When Samantha was at university in 1999 she embarked on a one woman crusade to create a product that could tackle one of her (and most other women's) pet hates…what to do when you have to use a public loo?

We have all been there; the slippery floors, the filthy toilet seat and no toilet tissue.

Samantha channelled her passion and enthusiasm to bring us the Shewee, becoming a household name with the invention of her discrete and hygienically clean little miracle that allows women all over the world to urinate whilst standing or sitting (if in a car) - without removing any clothes.Sam Award

Now, fifteen years on, Sam looks very much at home at Shewee HQ, surrounded by her ever-growing team and range of wee related products. In this, a most taboo of areas to talk about, let alone try to develop a business in, Sam exudes the confidence and knowledge to make you feel at ease within the world of female urination, and leaves you with the feeling that her products have long been overdue on the market and in your life.

Sam and her Shewee shot to fame after she appeared on the infamous Dragons Den, and nowadays both the inventor and the invention are featured regularly in mainstream press, on TV and even on stage shows.

Shewee has a global following and has become known as a Glastonbury and festival 'essential' according to Jo Whiley, the Radio 1 DJ.

It is used as a vital piece of kit by women serving in our military on deployment all over the world including Afghanistan and Iraq, by professional women drivers, mountaineers and adventurers, by glamour models, mums and grandmas.

The applications of Shewee to many diverse situations and the positive impact it has on women's health and hydration has led to a Shewee being purchased somewhere in the world every three minutes.

Sam has developed numerous other Shewee products such as the recently released Peebol, a pocket sized toilet that means you can pee anywhere, anytime, and the brilliant X-Front underwear that makes using the Shewee even easier.

She has also developed medical products to drastically improve people's quality of life.

Find out more about the Shewee at

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