British Apples 'Secretly' Exposed

British Apples 'Secretly' Exposed

When my son came in this evening asking if he could eat the last slice of our homemade apple pie I did a double take. Simon Bray & Marcus Bean @ Monks FarmHe loves raw apples and he is partial to pastry but when combined he is less than keen.

Aside from the fact that, not only was he asking to eat the last slice, I also noted he had eaten the majority share of an apple pie my daughter had made a few days previous. He declared that the pie was sweet and good and he was having trouble resisting more!

A few weeks ago we were delighted to be invited to the Adventures in Fruit Secret Supper in Kent, which marked the launch of the British apple and pear season for 2016. We travelled out to Monks Farm, near Faversham, Kent and met a selection of growers, Marks and Spencer (M&S) buyers, suppliers and other media bloggers and press - and, of course, the fabulous team from Pink Sky Design who orchestrated the whole event.

We were lucky enough to met Simon Bray, whose family own and run Monks Farm and who supplies M&S with in-season apples and pears. After an orchard tour we were treated to a superb supper that included a selection of Monks Farm fruits as well as enjoying fabulous live music from duo Dune.

Shropshire based Celebrity TV chef Marcus Bean was on hand to host and cater the evening with the help of a 'behind the scenes' team who produced three varieties of pizza to choose from- with gluten-free options catered for as well! Marcus had time to chat with us at the end of the evening and Simon Bray loaded a box of apples in to the back of our car for us to take home.

As far as invites to events go, this one certainly made the grade and was a wonderful experience. And that is where this review could end - except for the fact that it was quite a few weeks ago in terms of having apples and pears coming in to the house, and we do tend to eat our fruit within a few day of purchase. This is because usually when it comes from the major supermarkets we notice that it needs to be used pretty smart, before it starts to bruise and perish. Available at M&S

So, to be eating an apple pie so far after the event has brought me out late on a Saturday night to the kitchen, to the last piece of pie going off to my son's room and to a quick look in the fruit bowl which is finally home to just three lonely oranges.

Over the last few weeks it has been full to the brim with Monks Farm apples. And every day we have been using our new apple slicer and enjoying the selection Simon loaded in to the car. As this selection included a few Bramley apples too we have had apple pie (as mentioned) but what I haven't mentioned is that for over two weeks I have not seen a bruised or rotting apple, I have not eaten a favoured Pink Lady and not one piece of fruit has been thrown away!

"The quality of the fruit we brought back from this Secret Supper has surpassed our regular apples in quality, longevity and definitely on taste. Eating locally sourced, in season apples has left a lasting mark. Meeting the growers - real people working hard to supply English apples and pears for our consumption, and seeing how hard they work, the quality of the fruit they produce and the care and passion that goes in to keeping their farms and orchards growing, has made us more determined to take a closer look at where and when we buy our apples."

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